Running an Ethereum node

Great, all set. Now it is time to run an Ethereum full node. You need to run an Execution Layer client and a Consensus Layer client at the same time.

In this Quick Start Guide we will run the Geth EL and the Lighthouse CL client.


The Beacon Chain is the Consensus Layer part that guides the Execution Layer on how to follow the head of the chain. You need to run both, the Consensus Layer Beacon Chain and the Execution Layer to run a full Ethereum node. If you want to stake (create blocks, formerly known as mining) you will need to run a Consensus Layer Validator as well which is a more complicated process (besides you need to own 32 ETH).

Consensus Layer

Let’s start by running a Consensus Layer Beacon chain. This client is the responsible of following the chain and telling the Execution Layer where the chain head is. We will run Lighthouse.


All CL clients are configured to use CheckPoint Sync that will get the Beacon Chain in sync in just a few minutes. Take a look to our :doc:`User Guide </user-guide/consensus-clients.html#running-a-consensus-layer-client>`for more info.

For starting the Lighthouse CL Beacon Chain, follow these steps:

1. Open the 9000 port in your router so Lighthouse can discover and connect to other peers (both UDP and TCP protocols).

  1. Start the service:

sudo systemctl start lighthouse-beacon

Now, Lighthouse will start syncing the Beacon Chain and try to connect to the Execution Layer client. The Beacon Chain will get in sync quite fast as it uses Checkpoint Sync so we can move on and start the Execution Layer client

You can get the client logs by running:

sudo journalctl -u lighthouse-beacon -f


Ethereum on ARM supports 4 CL clients: Lighthouse, Prysm, Teku and Nimbus (all already installed in your system).

Execution Layer

It is the former Ethereum 1.0 node and the original Ethereum chain. It needs to to communicate with a Consensus Layer Beacon chain to follow the chain. This client validates and executes all transactions and stores the chain state.

We will use the Geth. Follow these steps to start the client:

1. Open the 30303 port in your router so Geth can discover and connect to other peers (both UDP and TCP protocols).

  1. Start the service

sudo systemctl start geth

For checking the client logs, run:

sudo journalctl -u geth -f

You can access Grafana’s Dashboard as well to get further info of the clients.


Ethereum on ARM supports 5 EL clients: Geth, Nethermind, Erigon, Reth and Besu (all already installed in your system).